Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy for Gallery: Photos & Videos App

Effective Date: 13/01/2024


Introduction: Welcome to the Privacy Policy for Gallery: Photos & Videos App. This document outlines the practices and policies governing the collection, use, and protection of your information when you use our mobile application. Please take the time to read this policy carefully to understand how we handle your data. By accessing or using the Gallery app, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.



Integration of Firebase SDK: The Gallery app integrates the Firebase SDK, a mobile and web application development platform provided by Google. Firebase includes various services that help us improve the functionality and user experience of our app. The following outlines how Firebase collects and uses data:

  1. Analytics: Firebase Analytics is used to collect and analyze app usage data. This includes information such as the number of users, sessions, and user interactions within the app. Collected data is used to understand user behavior, optimize app performance, and enhance user experience.
  2. Crashlytics: Firebase Crashlytics is employed to track app crashes and errors. It may collect data related to the circumstances of the crash, including device information and app usage. Collected crash data aids in identifying and resolving issues to improve app stability.

Review Google's Privacy & Terms for detailed information on how Google handles data collected through Firebase services.



Integration of Third-Party SDKs for Ad Display: Gallery utilizes third-party SDKs, including but not limited to AdMob, Meta, Max, IronSource, and others, to display ads within the app. These SDKs may collect certain information from your device to provide personalized and relevant advertisements. The data collected may include:

  • Device Information: Such as device type, model, and operating system version.
  • Advertising Identifiers: Such as Google Advertising ID (GAID) or Apple's Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA).
  • IP Address: To serve geographically relevant ads.
  • Usage Data: Information about how you interact with the app and advertisements

How Third-Party SDKs Use Collected Data: The collected data is used to deliver targeted ads based on your interests and preferences. Ad performance metrics, such as the number of clicks and impressions, may be shared with advertisers.

Permission Request for External Storage: Gallery requires access to your device's external storage to provide you with the best user experience. We request permission to read and write to external storage for the following purposes:

a. Why We Request "External Storage" Permission: Save and Retrieve Media Files: The app needs access to external storage to display & modify photos and videos of your device within the app.

Permission Request for Manage Media: Gallery app offers an enhanced user experience with the optional "Manage Media" permission. Granting this permission allows you to seamlessly manage your media within the app, including the ability to delete, copy, and move files without repeated permission prompts.

a. Why We Request "Manage Media" Permission: Effortless Media Management: With this permission, you can delete, copy, and move your media seamlessly within the app, enhancing your overall experience. Reduced Permission Prompts: Granting "Manage Media" permission reduces the frequency of permission prompts, providing a smoother interaction when organizing your files.

b. Please Note: "Manage Media" permission is entirely optional. You can continue to use the app without granting this permission. We respect your privacy. If you choose not to grant "Manage Media" permission, you will still be able to enjoy other core features of the app.



Children's Privacy: The App is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children. If you believe that a child has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact us, and we will take steps to remove such information.



Changes to This Privacy Policy: We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. It is advised that you review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.



Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

By using the App, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms, please do not use the App.